Thursday, February 2, 2017

Graduating to WordPress

My blog isn't the only one to graduate this year ;)
Hello all! Thank you for your readership and support for this past month. Blogging was new to me a month ago, and I was unsure of success. At the time, I decided to allow Google's Blogger to host me, since the domain is completely free. However, Blogger limits my potential blog traffic and is not as customizable as I would like, so I have decided to move all my content over to WordPress!

With this move, I will be purchasing a domain name. I can either keep the current name and be "," or I could create an entirely new (catchy) name. Below is a 1-click survey with a couple of alternatives I came up with, and I would love your input. Since you are my first readers, and my reason for migrating to a new site, I think it only fitting that you should have an input on the new name.

Which domain name should I purchase?

Thanks again for your support. With the new domain, I hope to add more content, be more consistent, and make the whole thing more pleasing to the eye. I will be sure to update you all when the transition is complete. Cheers!

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